This is my place of refuge, my bedroom. It is clean, fairly well organized and peaceful. My mind doesn't work well when things are disorganized and cluttered. I used to be able to close my eyes to it, but not anymore. It torments me until it is all together again. When I need to rest, and go somewhere where my mind can find peace, this is the place I go.
I still have two bedrooms that are mostly in boxes and a garage that is stuffed to the hilt in boxes, but I can only work a couple of them at a time and push on as I can. It was driving me crazy at first; I wanted to be done, throw away what didn't seem to fit, but I am finding, as I am trying to be patient, that there is a place for everything, and when there isn't, it is going into a yard-sale box for a Labor-Day Yard-Sale Extravaganza! I need to refine things and pare down so there isn't so much to clean up. I want to find time to spend with my Father and my jewelry.
This is Ms CJ checkin out her new digs. She isn't much bigger than the pine cones on the ground!
And, of course, Miss Hannah C